Planning Matters


Anyone submitting a planning application in Monmouth may ask to present to the Town Council’s Planning Committee either as a pre-application or once an application has been registered by the planning authority, Monmouthshire County Council (MCC). Please contact the Town Clerk to arrange this. 

Commenting on Planning Applications

Once a planning application has been received, the planning authority, MCC, will normally post a planning notice in the area of the proposed development and/or write to nearby residents to inform them of the application in a form of a neighbour notification.

Anyone can receive alerts for planning applications by going to the homepage of MCC’s website, putting in their postcode in the ‘My Monmouthshire’ box on the left hand side, pressing ‘Go’ and following the instructions.

Once an application has been registered by MCC, it is available to view on the online planning portal and is open for public consultation and comment for a period of three weeks. Comments must be in writing and can be submitted online, by email or by post. All planning applications can be viewed on their website by using the search facility.

MTC’s Planning Committee will meet to consider all planning applications for Monmouth and endeavours to submit comments within the public consultation period.

MCC should decide whether to approve or refuse an application within 8 weeks of the application first being registered or 12 weeks for larger schemes. This is to allow other statutory consultees to respond including the Highways Authority, Environmental, Heritage, Wales Water and others.

If MCC exceed the timescale in deciding the application, the applicant has the right to make an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate for non-determination (although in reality this rarely happens because planning appeals often take months).

Planning Policies

As the local planning authority, MCC has responsibility for developing the Local Development Plan (LDP). This is a document that sets out the priorities and policies for development within Monmouthshire and identifies specific locations for certain types of development. For example, through the site allocations policy, it will identify land for new housing and/or specify what type of development would be acceptable in certain areas of the town (such as industrial, retail etc). The policy can be viewed or an interactive map

Planning Policy Wales is the policy set by the Welsh Government which all planning documents (such as MCC’s LDP) and decisions must conform with. This policy should also be considered in conjunction with Future Wales National Plan 2040 adopted in February.

When deciding on an application, MCC must take account of the individual merits of each application, whether there is any precedent, and whether it is in accordance with the above planning policies.

Advice for Councillors

Councillors on the Planning Committee have a responsibility to ensure they comply with the Members’ Code of Conduct.

Members have an obligation under paragraph 8 of the code to make decisions solely on the basis of the merits of the circumstances involved and in the public interest. Members must also approach all decision making with an open mind. They must not predetermine decisions.

Members will not be considered to have predetermined just because they have either directly or indirectly previously indicated a point of view they would or might take in relation to a matter relevant to the decision. (Localism Act, Part 1, Chapter 6, Section 25)

Members wishing to express a view prior to the decision making meeting should indicate that any such view is based on information thus far received and that they remain open to consider the views of others and the advice of officers, before casting their vote.

Members should not take part in the decision making process if they are unable to comply with these guidelines.




Planning portal - Monmouthshire section
MCC Email
MTC Officer
Town Clerk Office 01600 715662
Contact One Stop Shop 01600 775200
Contact MCC planning 01633 644880